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Journal Papers
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Bagheri, S., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2020). “Overflow characteristics of streamlined weirs based on model experimentation”, Flow Measurment and Instrumentation, Elsevier, Accepted. June 2020
Bahman, E., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Moghim, M.N. (2020), "Hydraulic characteristics of flow over asymmetric hydrofoil weirs", Hydraulics Journal, Iranian Hydraulics Association, Accepted (In Persian). February 2020
Jafarzadeh, E., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Mansourzadeh, S., and Bohluly, A., (2020). “Experimental modeling of the interaction between waves and submerged flexible mound breakwaters”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Eng August 2020
Mohebali, R., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Borooman, B. (2020), "Numerical modeling of interaction between sea waves and inflatable coastal structures", Sharif Journal, Sharif University of Technology, Accepted (In Persian). February 2020
Fazeli, M, Kabiri-Samani, A. R. (2020), "Circular hydraulic jump over slopped bed with inverse slope", Sharif Journal, Sharif University of Technology, Accepted (In Persian). February 2020
رمضانی، م.، کبيری سامانی، ع. و بهفرنيا، ک. " شبيه سازي عددي مشخصات هيدروليكي جريان در سرريزهاي سيفوني"، پذيرفته شده، مجلة علمي- پژوهشي شريف، دانشگاه صنعتي شريف، 139۹. February 2020
Ramezani, M, Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Behfarnia, K. (2020), "Numerical simulation of flow hydraulic characteristics in siphon spillways", Sharif Journal, Sharif University of Technology, Accepted (In Persian). February 2020
Bagheri, S., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2020). “Simulation of free surface flow over the streamlined weirs”, Flow Measurment and Instrumentation, Elsevier, Accepted. March 2020
Karkheiran, S., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Zekri, M. (2019), "Estimation of bridge pier scour at armored beds under unsteady flow using ANFIS model and optimization algorithms", Sharif Journal, harif University of Technology, Accepted (In Persian). February 2019
Hajimehrabi, H., Behnamfar, F., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Goodarzi, M.A., (2019). “ Fragility curves for baffled concrete cylindrical liquid-storage tanks” SOIL Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 119, pp. 187-195. April 2019
Karkheiran, S., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Zekri, M., and Azamathulla, H.M., (2019). “Scour at bridge piers in uniform and armored beds under steady and unsteady flow conditions using ANN-APSO and ANN-GA algorithms”, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Acce May 2019
Farshi, F., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Chamani, M.R. (2019), "Numerical modeling of flow curved compound channels with trapezoidal section", Sharif Journal, Sharif University of Technology, Accepted (In Persian). February 2019
Karami, M., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Nazari-Sharabian, M., and Karakouzian, M., (2019). “Investigating the effects of transient flow in concrete-lined pressure tunnels, and developing a new analytical formula for pressure wave velocity”, Tunnelling and Unde September 2019
Bahman, E., Kabiei-Samani, A.R., Moghim, M.N., (2019). “Discharge coefficient of hydrofoil weirs based on potential flow theory around a symmetric Joukowsky hydrofoil”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Accpeted. December 2019
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Mahinparvar, N., Salamaian, A., (2018), "Risk analysis of bridge abutment scouring relations", Sharif Journal, harif University of Technology, Accepted (In Persian). February 2018
Moghaddas, F., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Zekri, M. (2018), "Estimation of average dynamic pressure in two-phase air-water flow using ANN and ANFIS combined with PSO algorithm", Tabriz Civil Engineering Journal, University of Tabriz, Accepted (In Persian). February 2018
Karami, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Bagherpoor, R. (2018), "Effects of transient pressure on hydraulic jacking in pressurized water tunnels with low overburden", Hydraulics Journal, Iranian Hydraulics Association, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 55-68 (In Persian). February 2018
Yazdabad, M., Behnamfar, F., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2018). “Seismic behavioral fragility curves of concrete cylindrical water tanks for sloshing cracking and wall bending”, Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 14, No. 2 , pp. 95-102. February 2018
Jafari., A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Behnamfar, F., (2017) “Flow-induced horizontal and vertical vibrations of sluice gates”, Proceedings of the ICE, Water Management, Vol. 171, No. 3, pp. 152–162. June 2018
Farshi, F., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Chamani, M.R., and Attoof, H., (2018). “Evaluation of the secondary current parameter and depth-averaged velocity in curved compound open channels”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 144-, No.9, pp. 1-12. September 2018
Sharif, M., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2018), “Flow regimes and hydraulic characteristics of grid drop type dissipators caused by changes in tail-water depth”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 505–518. January 2018
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Bakhshian, E., and Chamani, M.R., (2017), “Flow characteristics of grid drop-type dissipators”, Flow Measurment and Instrumentation, Vol. 54, pp. 298-306. April 2017
Fakhari, Z., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2017), “Scour in the transition from super- to subcritical flow without a hydraulic jump", Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp.470-479. February 2017
Bagheri, S., Kabiri-Samani, A. R. (2017), "Hydraulic characteristics of flow over streamlined weirs", Modarres Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 29-42 (In Persian). February 2017
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Naderi, S. (2017), "Turbulent structure in the transition from super- to subcritical flow without a hydraulic jump", Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 50-62. August 2017
Shemshi, R., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2017), "Swirling flow at vertical shaft spillways with circular piano-key inlets", Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 55, No. 2, pp.248-258. October 2017
Parvaneh, A., Javaheri, A., Yang, J., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2016), "Discussion: Triangular labyrinth side weirs with one and two cycles", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, Vol. 169, No.3, pp. 11-14. June 2016
Nasiri-Fijuni, S., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Asghari, K. (2016), "Flow field around the Circular PK spillways based on numerical modeling", Hydraulics Journal, Iranian Hydraulics Association, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 53-66 (In Persian). February 2016
Mojaddmai, M.J., Kabiri-Samani, A. R. (2016), "Effects of Marguerite-shape inlet on hydraulics of free flow at circular shaft spillways", Modarres Civil Engineering Journal, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 191-202 (In Persian). February 2016
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Golmohammadi, M. H. (2016), "Control of boundary layer around an elliptical-section pier based on analytical modeling", Civil and Environmental Journal, Amir-Kabir University of Technology, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 1-12 (In Persian). February 2016
Eyhavan-Koohzadi, A., Borghei, S. M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2016), "Water hammer in a horizontal rectangular conduit containing air-water two-phase slug flow", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 142, No. 3, pp. 1-10. March 2016
Davarpanah-Jazi, S., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Afzalimehr, H. (2016), "Effects of straight-crested gravel bed-forms and vegetated banks on turbulent flow characteristics", Modarres Civil Journal, Tarbiat Modarres University, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 103-115 (In Pe February 2016
Javaheri, A., Parvaneh, A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2015), "Discussion: Experimental parametric study and design of Piano Key Weirs By O. MACHIELS, M. PIROTTON,A. PIERRE, B. DEWALS and S. ERPICUM, J. Hydraulic, Res. 52(3), 2014, 326–335", Journal of Hydrau May 2015
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Rabiei, M. H., Safavi, H. R. and Borghei, S. M. (2014), " Experimental-analytical investigation of super- to subcritical flow transition without a hydraulic jump”, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 52, No.1, pp. 129-136. October 2014
Bagheri, S., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Heidarpoor, M. (2014), "Discharge coefficient of rectangular sharp-crested side weirs, Part I: Traditional weir equation”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 109-115. March 2014
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Shams, M., (2014), "Discharge coefficient of subsurface weirs", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, Vol. 167, No. 4, pp. 187-193. February 2014
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Aghajan Abdollah, M., Hejazi-Taghanaki, S.R. (2014), "Discharge capacity of labyrinth side weirs, using ANFIS model", Iranian Research Journal, Shahrekord University, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 47-54 (In persian). February 2014
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Shams, M., (2014), "Discharge coefficient of subsurface weirs", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, Vol. 167, No. 4, pp. 187-193. April 2014
Farshi, F., Kabiri-Samani, A. R. (2014), "Distribution of depth-averaged velocity in smooth rectangular and trapezoidal open channels with the best cross section", Water and Wastewater Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 111-121 (In Persian). February 2014
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Bagheri, S. (2014), "Discharge coefficient of circular-crested weirs based on a combination of flow around a cylinder and circulation", Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 5, pp. 1-6. May 2014
Cheraghi-Shirazi, N., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Boroomand, B. (2014), "Numerical analysis of rubber dams using fluid–structure interactions", Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 91-98. December 2014
Bagheri, S., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Heidarpoor, M. (2014), "Discharge coefficient of rectangular sharp-crested side weirs, Part II: Dominguez s method”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 116-121. March 2014
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Farshi, F., and Chamani, M.R., (2013), "Boundary shear stress in smooth trapezoidal open channel flows", Journal of Hydraulic Eng., Vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 205-212. February 2013
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2013), "Natural frequences of seiche in a closed trapezoidal basin with internal barriers", Journal of Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 22-34. February 2013
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Javaheri, A., Borghei, S. M. (2013), "Discharge coefficient of a rectangular labyrinth weir”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, Vol. 166, No. 8, pp. 443-451. September 2013
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Borghei, S.M., (2013), "Effects of anti-vortex plates on air entrainment by free vortex", Scientia Iranica, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 251-258. February 2013
Eyhavan-Koohzadi, A., Borghei, S. M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2013), "Transient pressure fluctuations in air-water two-phase slug flow using model experimentation", Water and Wastewater Journal, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 96-102 (In Persian). Fall 2013
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Javaheri, A., (2013), "Discharge coefficient of a rectangular labyrinth weir", Water Management Journal, ICE, Vol. 166, No. 8, pp. 443-451. May 2013
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Javaheri, A., (2012), "Discharge coefficient for free and submerged flow over piano key weirs", Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 114-120. February 2012
Joozdani, A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Hajian-Nejad, M., (2012) "Hydrodynamic modeling of dam break in meandering rivers case study: Zayande-Rood dam and river)", Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Vol. 31, No. 1, February 2012
Javaheri, A., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Threshold submergence of flow over PK weirs", International Journal of Civil and Geological Engineering, Vol. 6, pp. 46-49. January 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Amirabdollahian, M., and Farshi, F., (2012), "Analytical solution for the free over-fall weir flow using conformal mapping and potential flow theory", International Journal of Hydraulic Eng., Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 75-82. December 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Javaheri, A., (2012), "Discharge coefficient for free and submerged flow over the Piano Key weirs", Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp.114-120. February 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Effect of armor layer on bridge scour under unsteady flow condition (Part II)", Hydraulic Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 13-26. July 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Javaheri, A., (2012), Closure to "Discharge coefficient for free and submerged flow over piano-key weirs", Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 643-645. December 2012
Borghei, S.M., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and, Banihashem, S.A., (2012), "Influence of unsteady flow hydrograph shape on local scouring around bridge pier", Water Management, Vol. 165, No. 9, pp.473-480. October 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Effect of armor layer on bridge scour under steady flow condition (Part I)", Hydraulic Journal, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 59-75. February 2011
Kabiri-Samani A. R., Borghei, S. M., Aghaie, J. and Jeng, D. S., (2011), "Application of neural networks and fuzzy logic models to long-shore sediment transport", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 2880-2887. February 2011
Kabiri-Samani A. R., Borghei, S. M., Aghaie, J. and Jeng, D. S., (2011), "Application of neural networks and fuzzy logic models to long-shore sediment transport", Applied Soft Computing, Vol.11, No.2, 2880-2887. February 2011
Joozdani, A., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Investigation of the difference in dam break modeling approaches between 1-D and 2-D hydrodynamic models", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 90-93, pp. 2423-2426. September 2011
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Hejazi-Taghanaki, S.R., Aghajan-Abdollah, M., Esmaili, H. (2011), "Discharge coefficient of labyrinth side weirs using artificial neural network method based on experimental data”, Sharif Journal, Sharif University of Technology February 2011
Bakhshian, E., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "The effect of netting dissipators on increasing the efficiency of energy dissipation in vertical drops", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 90-93, pp. 2427-2430. September 2011
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Mansoori, N., and Sedehi-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Risk analysis of dam overtopping considering hydraulic and hydrologic aspects, Vanak Dam as a case study", Hydraulics Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 39-53 (In Persian). November 2011
Bakhshian, E., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2011), "The effect of netting dissipaters on increasing the efficiency of energy dissipation in vertical drops", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 90-93, No.2, pp. 2427-2430. February 2011
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Esmaili, H., Heidarpoor, M. (2011), "Increasing the performance of rectangular side weirs, using groups of vanes or piles", Water and Wastewater Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 101-113 (In Persian). February 2011
Kabiri-Samani A. R., Borghei, S. M., Aghaie, J. and Jeng, D. S., (2011), "Application of neural networks and fuzzy logic models to long-shore sediment transport", Applied Soft Computing, Vol.11, No.2, 2880-2887. May 2011
Shams, M.R., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Beirami, M.K., Safavi, H.R., (2011), "Hydraulic behaviour of flow over subsurface weirs", Hydraulic Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 19-39 (In Persian). April 2011
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M., Esmaili, H. (2011), "Hydraulic performance of labyrinth side weirs using vanes or piles", Proceeding of Institution of Civil Eng., Water Management, ICE,Vol.164, No.WM5, pp. 229-241. February 2011
Shams, M. R., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Beirami, M .K., Safavi, H. R. (2011), "Hydraulics of flow over the weir of subsurface dams”, Hydraulics Journal, Iranian Hydraulics Association, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 19-39 (In Persian). February 2011
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Ansari, A. and Borghei, S. M., (2010), " Hydraulic behaviour of flow over an oblique weir", Jou. of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, Vol. 48, No.5 pp. 669-673 February 2010
Sui, J., Afzalimehr, H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Maherani, M., (2010), "Clear-water scour around semi-elliptical abutments with armored beds", Int. Jou. Sediment Research, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 233-244. February 2010
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M., (2010), "Pressure loss in a horizontal two-phase slug flow flow", Jou. of Fluid Eng., ASME, Vol. 132, Issue 7, pp. 1-8. February 2010
Sui, J., Afzalimehr, H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Maherani, M., (2010), "Clear-water scour around semi-elliptical abutments with armored beds", Int. Jou. Sediment Research, Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 233-244. February 2010
Maherani, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Afzalimehr, H. (2010), "Scour at bridge piers using armor layer”, Hydraulics Journal, Iranian Hydraulics Association, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-19 (In Persian). February 2010
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Hejazi-Taghanaki, S.R., Aghajan-Abdollah, M., and Esmaili, H., (2010), "Discharge coefficient of labyrinth side weirs using experimental data and ANN model", Sharif Civl Engineering Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 85-92. August 2010
Borghei, S. M., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2010), "Effect of Anti-Vortex Plates on critical submergence at a vertical intake", International Journal of Science and Technology, Scientia-Iranica, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 89-95 February 2010
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M., (2010), "Pressure loss in a horizontal two-phase slug flow flow", Jou. of Fluid Eng., ASME, Vol. 132, Issue 7, pp. 1-8. February 2010
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2010), "Analytical approache for Flow over an oblique weir", International Journal of Science and Technology, Scientia-Iranica, Vol. 17, No.2, pp. 107-117 February 2010
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2009) "Fluctuating characteristics of air-water slug flow in pipelines", Water and Wastewater Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 62-68, (In Persian). February 2009
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Borghei, S .M., and Pirghatari, A. H., (2009) "Hydraulics of two-phase air-water flow using image processing technique", Journal of Hydraulics, Vol. 4, No., 2, pp. 19-34, (In Persian). February 2009
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Ataie-Ashtiani, B., (2008), " Free water surface oscillations in a closed rectangular basin with internal barriers", International Journal of Science and Technology, Scientia-Iranica, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 315-322. February 2008
Izadinia, E., Heidarpoor, M., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2008) "Hydraulics of flow over the circular crested weirs", Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Science and Technology, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 815-827, (In Persian). February 2008
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., (2007), " Fluctuation of air-water two-phase flow in horizontal and inclined water pipelines", Jou. of Fluid Eng., ASME, Vol. 129, Issue 1, pp. 1-14 February 2007
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., (2006), " Two-phase air-water flow patterns in horizontal and near horizontal water tunnels", Journal of Science and Technology, Sharif, Vol. 22, No. 35, pp. 13-21. (In Persian) February 2006
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., (2006), " Entrapped air in long water tunnels during transition from pressurized to free-surface flow regime", International Jou. Of Science and Technology, Scientia-Iranica, Sharif University of T February 2006
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., (2006), " Experimental results of pressure fluctuations in a water conduit section due to formation of unstable two-phase air-water flow", Journl of Eng., Esteghlal, Isfahan Univ. of Tech., Vol. 24 February 2006
Borghei, S. M., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., and Nekoee, N., (2006), " Oblique weir equation using incomplete self- similarity", Can. Jou. Of Civil Eng., CSCE, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 1241-1250 February 2006
Conference Papers
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Farshi, F., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Chamani, M.R., Atoof, H., " Three-dimensional modelling of flow in curved compound open channels", Proceedings of the 11th International River Enginering Seminar, Ahvaz, Feb, 2018. February 2018
Parvaneh, A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Jalili-Ghazizadeh, M.R., and Nekooie. M.A., "Discharge capacity of conventional side weirs in supercritical conditions", Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016. July 2016
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Parvaneh, A., and Nekooie. M.A., "Discharge coefficient of oblique labyrinth side weir", Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016. July 2016
Nekooie. M.A., Parvaneh, A., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., "Determination of discharge coefficient of triangular labyrinth side weirs with one and two cycles using the nonlinear PLS method", Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-2 July 2016
Shemshi, R., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Effect of piano-key shape inlet on critical submergence at a vertical pipe intake", 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinary and Systems, Beijing, China. August 2012
Akbarian, H., Borghei, S.M., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Estimation of the head loss coefficient in two-phase air-water flow using ANN", 11th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, Orumieh, Iran (In Persian). November 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Joozdani, A., (2012), " Effects of suction on flow characteristics around circular cylinders based on numerical modelling", 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia. December 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Effect of unsteady flow on scouring around bridge piers under armoring condition", 9th International Congress on Civil Eng., Isfahan, Iran (In Persian). May 2012
Joozdani, A., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Application of image processing method in experimental modelling of one-dimensional dam break wave", 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia. December 2012
Amirabdollahian, M., Farshi, F., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2012), "Estimating flow properties over free overfall using conformal mapping", 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan, Iran. May 2012
Shemshi, R., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Effect of piano-key inlet on critical submergence at vertical pipe intakes", 11th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, Orumieh, Iran (In Persian). November 2012
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Joozdani, A., "Effects of suction on flow characteristics around circular cylinders based on numerical modelling", Proceedings of 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, ACAM 7, 9-12 Dec., Australia, 2012. December 2012
Mansoori, N., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Risk based analysis of earth dam overtopping (Vanak Dam as a case study)", 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan, Iran. May 2012
Cheraghi, N., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Boroomand, B., (2012), “Numerical investigation on the behavior of flexible shells considering static fluid-structure interaction”, 11th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, Oroumieh, Iran (In Persian). November 2012
Rabie, M.H., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Incomplete hydraulic jump using transition structure with varied slpe", 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan, Iran (In Persian). May 2012
Naderi, S., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2012), "Investigation on the variation of Froude number corresponding to omission of hydraulic jump with the upstream water depth", 11th Iranian Hydraulics Conference, Orumieh, Iran (In Persian). November 2012
Bakhshian, E., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Effects of netting and grating dissipators on increasing the energy dissipation efficiency of vertical drops", 10th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, Gilan, Iran (In Pesrian). November 2011
Javaheri, A., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Discharge coefficient of free flow over piano-key weirs", 3rd national Dam and Hydropower Conference, Tehran, Iran (In Persian). September 2011
Mansoori, N., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Risk based analysis of dam ovetopping considering different uncertainities using Monte-Carlo simulation", 6th National Congress on Civil Eng., Semnan, Iran (In Persian). May 2011
Javaheri, A., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "A discharge coefficient relation for Zig-Zag weirs using experimental data", 10th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, Gilan, Iran (In Persian). November 2011
Chakraei, I., Safavi, H.R., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Golmohammadi, M.H., (2011), "Optimal operation of reservoir using conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater by ANFIS and fuzzy regression", 2nd Nat. Water Res. Prac. Res., Zanjan, Iran (In Persian). November 2011
Farshi, F., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Chamani, M.R., (2011), "Bed and wall shear stress in smooth trapezoidal channels with the best hydraulic section using conformal mapping", 6th National Congress on Civil Eng., Semnan, Iran (In Persian). May 2011
Ebrahimi, S., and Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Armoring effect on scouring around the bridge piers under unsteady flow condition", 10th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, Gilan, Iran (In Persian). November 2011
Rabie, M.H., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Safavi, H.R., (2011), "Design of a transition structure for flow from super to subcritical without a hydraulic jump", 6th National Congress on Civil Eng., Semnan, Iran (In Pesrian). May 2011
Rabie, M.H., Kabiri-Samani, A.R., and Safavi, H.R., (2011), "Experimental modeling of flow transition from super- to subcritical without a hydraulic jump", 10th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, Gilan, Iran (In Persian). November 2011
Chakraie, I., Safavi, H.R., anf Kabiri-Samani, A.R., (2011), "Optimal operation of dam reservoir using ANFIS", 6th National Congress on Civil Eng., Semnan, Iran (In Persian). May 2011
Joozdani, A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Analysis of dam-break phenomea using image proccessing technique ", Proc. 9th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Tehran, 2010 (In Persian) February 2010
Farshi, F., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Shear stress distribution in trapezoidal channels of the optimum hydraulic section", Proc. 9th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Tehran, 2010 (In Persian). February 2010
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Hejazi-Taghanaki, S. R., Aghajan, A., Esmaili, H., " Discharge coefficient of labyrinth side weirs usinf ANN and ANFIS models ", Proc. 5th National Iranian Civil Eng. Conf., Mashhad, 2010 (In Persian). February 2010
Rabiei, M. H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Ommittion of hydraulic jump during transtion from supercritical to subcritical flow ", Proc. 5th National Iranian Civil Eng. Conf., Mashhad, 2010 (In Persian). February 2010
Shams, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and BEIRAMI, M., " Experimental modeling of subsurface weirs", Proc. 9th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Tehran, 2010 (In Persian). February 2010
Esmaili, H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Separation length of free flow over simple and labyrinth side weirs ", Proc. 8th International Civil Eng. Conference, Shiraz, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
Maherani, M., Afzalimehr, H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " The effects of armor layer on scouring around bridge piers ", Proc. 8th International River Engineering Conference, Ahvaz, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
Izadinia, E., Heidarpoor, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Effect of circular crested wier height on weir discharge coefficent ", Proc. 8th International Civil Eng. Conference, Shiraz, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
14. Ansari, A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Improving hydraulic performance of oblique weirs in channels ", Proc. 8th National Hydraulic Conference, Tehran, 2009 (In Persian) February 2009
Samie-Adel, T., Beirami, M. K., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Sluice gate flow Dischrge in a channel with constant width", Proc. 8th International Civil Eng. Conference, Shiraz, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
Esmaili, H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Heidarpoor, M., " Improving hydraulic performance of sharp-crested side weirs using vanes and piles ", Proc. 8th National Hydraulic Conference, Tehran, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
Aghajan, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Hejazi-Taghanaki, S. R. " Discharge coefficent of labyrinth weirs using ANN model ", Proc. 8th National Hydraulic Conference, Tehran, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Ansari, A., "Flow over sharp crested weirs", Proceedings of 33rd IAHR Congress, 9-14 Aug., Vancouver, Canada, 2009. February 2009
Ansari, A., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Effective length of oblique weir free flow ", Proc. 8th International Civil Eng. Conference, Shiraz, 2009 (In Persian) February 2009
Esmaili, H., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., Heidarpoor, M., " Discharge coefficient of simple side weirs using water free surface profile ", Proc. 8th International River Engineering Conference, Ahvaz, 2009 (In Persian). February 2009
Izadinia, E., Heidarpoor, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Discharge coefficient of sharp and Broad-crested weirs ", Proc. 3rd National Conference on watersheding and Water-Soil Resources Management, Kerman, 2008 (In Persian). February 2008
Izadinia, E., Heidarpoor, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " circular and sharp-crested weir flow surface profiles ", Proc. 2nd National Conference on Irrigation and Drainage Systems Management, Ahvaz, 2008 (In Persian) February 2008
Izadinia, E., Heidarpoor, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Effect of circular crested wier downstream slope on weir discharge coefficent ", Proc. 7th National Hydraulics Conference, Tehran, 2008 (In Persian). February 2008
Izadinia, E., Heidarpoor, M., Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Weir flow surface profile using numerical methods ", Proc. 9th National Irrigation Conference, Kerman, 2008 (In Persian). February 2008
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. " Two-phase air-water slug flow characteristics using image proccessing technique ", Proc. 6th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Shahrekord, 2007 (In Persian). February 2007
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., " Two-phase flow pressure loss coefficient in pressurized pipelines ", Proc. 6th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Shahrekord, 2007 (In Persian). February 2007
Kabiri-Samani, A. R., (2005), "Experimental results of pressure variation in two-phase air-water flow in water tunnels", Proc. XXXI IAHR Congress, Candidate for receiving John F. Kenedy Reward, Korea, Sept., 2005 February 2005
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Ataie-Ashtiani, B., " Free water surface oscillation with internal barriers ", Proc. 5th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Kerman, 2005. (In Persian) February 2005
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., (2005), " Pressure variation due to sudden rise of water head at water tunnels", Proc. XXXI IAHR Congress, Korea, Sept., 2005 February 2005
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., " Two-phase air-water flow Patterns in sloped water tunnels ", Proc. 5th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Kerman, 2005. (In Persian) February 2005
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M., " Side-weir equation using Incomplete Self-Similarity and experimental data", Proc. 5th Iranian Hydr. Conf., Kerman, 2005. (In Persian) February 2005
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Borghei, S. M. and Saidi, M. H., Analytical/numerical model for two-phase slug flow at pipelines and water tunnels", Poster Presentation in the Int. Conf. on Hydraulics of Dams and River Structures (HDRS), 2004, Tehran, Iran February 2004
Kabiri-Samani, A. R. and Ataie-Ashtiani, B., " Natural frequencies of seiche in basin with internal barriers ", proc. 8th Int. Coastal Symp., Brazil , 2004 February 2004
Borghei, S. M., and Kabiri-Samani, A. R." Critical submergence of vertical intakes using anti-vortex plates ", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Civil Eng., Isfahan University of Tech., Isfahan, Iran, 2002. February 2002
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Water Conveyance Structures Spring 2014
Hydrodynamics Spring 2013

تحت نظارت وف ایرانی

Publications | Dr. Abdorreza Kabiri Samani


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